Adult caregivers must accompany children to the gym and remain within the building supervising them for the entirety of the child’s visit.
All visitors must have a completed waiver before entering.
NO PEANUTS OR TREE NUTS in the facility. Please wash your hands before entering the gym space and after eating to keep our friends with allergies safe!
Shoes must be removed and socks worn past the locker areas for all visitors (the restrooms are cleaned diligently and disposable foot covers are available for those who would prefer to use them when in the restroom!) Children must wear grip bottom socks, adults may wear regular socks. (We sell socks with grip bottoms for kids and regular socks for adults at the front desk!).
Outside food/drinks are permitted in the dining area for individual families (food for a group, or other party activities such as gifts, cakes, etc are not permitted in the main dining area without full gym rentals.)
NO food or drinks permitted in the jungle gym/infant-toddler space or on equipment.
Visibly unwell visitors will be asked to come visit at another healthier time. We want to keep all of our friends but especially those with compromised immune systems safe and healthy. We practice diligent cleaning routines but the best defense is proactively keeping as much illness out of the gym as possible.
The toddler area is designed for children ages 6 months- 36 months with a max height of 36”.
The large gym area is designed for children ages 2-12 years, younger children play at their own risk with caregiver supervision at all times.
Diapers are to be changed in the designated changing area for cleanliness purposes.
Soiled clothing/hands can not enter the gym space. Please wash hands after eating/using the restroom/changing diapers. If clothing is soiled please change before entering the gym space for cleanliness and allergy safety purposes.
Kindness, safety, and respect are REQUIRED for the facility, staff and visitors.
*Kindness, safety and respect are high priority and gym staff have the right and responsibility to enforce gym rules at their discretion. Visitors not complying with gym rules will be asked to leave the facility with no refund.